Saturday, August 15, 2015

Q-dees Term 3 En Edison - Science Subject, Jawi Lesson, Solat & Music Lesson

Nak share aktiviti Azuin di sekolah..sperti biasa, gambar diambil dari Q-dees Facebook..

Bagus Q-dees ni sebab setiap aktiviti memang teachers akan upload kat facebook..senang la nak tengok apa yang anak-anak belajar di sekolah...

Sebahagian aktiviti untuk Term 3 ni -Term 3 ni akan berakhir 24 Ogos 2015.. Tak sabar nak tunggu PTD (Parents Teachers Day) untuk Term 2 & 3 pada 5 September 2015..

1) Science subject.

Aim : To find out "what is bread mould?".
Conclusion : Bread mould can grow when there is enought food and water.

Bread A - Put some water , tied up and just put on the 
table. Let it be in a week.

Bread B - Put some water, tied up and put inside the refrigerator.
Cubaan dari Azuin..

After a week - the result as below:
Bread A - has dark coloured growing on it. It's bread mould. !!
Bread B - still looks the same. 
Conclusion - Bread mould is a type of fungi. It's a living things and it's need food a water to grow.

2) Jawi Lesson & Solat. 

Azuin cakap, siapa yang tak bawak telekung solat kena dok kat belakang...sorry ye Azuin, mama lupa nak letak dalam beg...
Spotted Azuin...masa ni bawa telekung solat...yeay, boleh dok depan!!

3) Music Lesson

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